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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2020

Nice It’s An Anime Thing You Wouldn’t Understand Shirt

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  This is false, do not believe this propaganda, remember bills are written and originate in the  Nice It’s An Anime Thing You Wouldn’t Understand Shirt   house of representatives, which is run by Nancy Pelosi. Jeez each lie has to be bigger than the last, really who would believe this Have you ever heard of this nice little concept called a "compromise"? It's a pretty big fucking deal in any democracy. You can either do  something  but accept that rich people benefit from it or let  everyone  down. 100% of Democrats voted for this bill. Any number of Senate Democrats could have stopped this bill and they did not. The Democratic majority House could have stopped this bill and they didn't. More propaganda. The Republicans have been pushing to pass it for weeks, but Dems wanted a better deal for the majority. Republicans kpet whinging about how they were doing more harm than good because of the delay, and something had to give. Why are Democrats so ...

Funny Disney Lilo & Stitch Not Lazy Energy Saving Shirt

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  Merrick Garland? Kavanaugh? Impeachment? When Obama took office the   Funny Disney Lilo & Stitch Not Lazy Energy Saving Shirt  minimum wage was $7.25... guess what it was when he left office? $7.25 And yes the republicans are remarkably more corrupt, anti-truth, anti-science, anti-reason, etc. But they succeed in uniting their party and blocking everything the democrats attempt. They are undoubtedly an obstructionist party but how on earth did pelosi and Schumer let this slip by? Willful incompetence. The Republican Party has successfully adapted to far right extremism while the democrats spend their entire primary season telling the far left and progressives that their ideas aren’t possible and if you don’t vote for centrism you’re enabling trump for four more years. We have a far right party and a centrist party in the US. There is no equivalent of a labor party here and clearly the Democrats aren’t capable of accomplishing anything impactful on the working c...

Top Cute Count All Legal Votes Shirt

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I'm a little confused. I just talked to my parents yesterday. They   Top Cute Count All Legal Votes Shirt  said they weren't getting a stimulus check(s) because they "make too much money". This just shows how incompetent the democrats are. Republicans didn’t make any concessions; they never do. Democrats always do because they don’t actually care about the working class. It’s all about their donors. There’s a reason the Democrats aren’t fighting that hard for us. You’re not understanding my point. In the past twenty years have the Democrats gotten the republicans to compromise on anything? No, they go to Washington, abandon the working class and their constituents, and then they let republicans toss them around like a rag doll. If you can find one lasting example of a democratic victory I am all ears.     Abolish the two party system of rich old white man versus rich old white man. How is that even a thing in the most ethnically diverse county in the world? This...

Original Lebron James And Corey Seager Los Angeles Lakers Dodgers City Of Champions 2020 Shirt

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  Don’t forget most republican politicians are worth at least enough t   Original Lebron James And Corey Seager Los Angeles Lakers Dodgers City Of Champions 2020 Shirt    take advantage of this loophole they built in. Plus, that loophole itself is so big you could drive a train through it. don’t know if this story was the tipping point or just so fucked up that it finally gave me that first taste of rage that I’m sure will eventually give me an ulcer. Using the epidemic to force through such naked opportunism and corruption is ridiculous. Btw, a lot of the Democrats calling this out are rich enough to profit from it as well, and yet they are fighting it. Think about that the next time you go vote. Think about the honesty it takes to call out something that helps you personally but hurts others.I’ve tried so hard to stay positive as I read story after story laying out the continuous fuckery seen by greedy slimy fucks that have access to the best resources an...

Pretty Billt Different 17 Shirt

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  Democrats couldn’t read the   Pretty Billt Different 17 Shirt  fine print?! 96-0 they all fucked us. “The government does not care about you, your children, your right or your welfare or your safety, it simply doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s only interested in its own power. Keeping it and expanding it whenever possible.” George Carlin. Is that individuals or businesses? Some businesses are set up so they aver kind of looked at as individuals tax-wise, but they are businesses. Does this include all the small business loans? Because those MUST be used on payroll (more than 75% and the rest on business rent and utilities.) I'm sure they snuck some bullshit in there for rich people, but it would be incorrect to say the PPP business loans are in that category because they are to keep people employed and if they aren't used for that purpose, they become loans instead of grants. Buy it:  Pretty Billt Different 17 Shirt

Top Don’t Be Scared Homie Nick And Nate Shirt

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  Revolution. Plain and simple.  Top Don’t Be Scared Homie Nick And Nate Shirt   Who can do it? If you haven't been paying attention, Trump ain't draining shit..... So who can do it, Biden? Funny...... We all know who would take on these powerful interests. Bernie. It's not to late people It is  a  platfform to influence  some  voters you won't be able to influence via other means. Every vote counts. There is no single platform where you will reach the majority of voters. Misleading title that Implies they’re actually getting paid 1.7 million, no. They’re just getting deduction increases to what any other non wealthy American would have access to. wait, is this part of the stimulus check handout? Or is this a tax break benefit that is coicidentally going into effect at the same time as the stimulus handout Oh well, something is better than nothing because usually it's nothing. Infact, a lot of us still got nothing. And now we all go back to work t...

Nice Phoeberry Merch Berry Shirt

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  What the deductions mean is that the  Nice Phoeberry Merch Berry Shirt  small business owner can deduct business expenses from his taxable income. On his taxes he reports his gross income, then lists all his business expenses and other deductions and the IRS figures out what portion of the gross income to tax based on the business status and the total deductions. As of 2017 there is a ca The "tax break" briefly mentioned in the article simply means that that cap is temporarily suspended, so that a pass-through business can claim more deductions and therefore have a smaller income to be taxed, which means that overall they will pay less taxes, which means they have more income to keep their business running. So at least a portion of these 43,000 "millionaires" are small business owners who will desperately need a tax break in order to keep their small business running. p on the dollar amount that a business can claim as deductions. Buy it:  Nice Phoeberry Merch Ber...

Good Defy Tyrants American Flag For Freedom And Liberty Shirt

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  Such a fake headline.  Good Defy Tyrants American Flag For Freedom And Liberty Shirt   Nobody is receiving a check for 1.7m. Its a tax break for sole proprietorships, partnerships, owners of S corps, owners of real estate, because you know, small businesses are failing and people can't pay their rent. Stockholders of big corporations (or any C corp) don't get this tax break.This isn't like people got $1.7 million deposited in their accounts overnight. Let's not portray it that way. Can we try to understand something before it gets decried?   Small Business owners - Mama's Cafe or your local smoke shop. $1mil doesn't go very far anymore when you think of all the operating costs: Property taxes and/or rent, payroll, insurance, equipment, utilities, product costs, shipping, employee benefit This provision refers specifically to "pass-through entities" which, after a very cursory search, refers to, for example, sole proprietorships: People whose business...

Hot Democratic Biden Harris 2020 Election President Shirt

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  Ouch. And here I am a front line worke  Hot Democratic Biden Harris 2020 Election President Shirt  r who made over 100k last year, didn’t get a check. Im completely fine with that. I don’t need any relief money honestly and am glad people in need are finally getting financial help. However this news on wealthy people abusing this crisis is truly disheartening. Greed knows no bounds apparently. I work with people that are so furious that people on unemployment are getting an extra $600. These same people see no problem with millionaires getting this 1.7 million though. Incredibly left wing tax attorney here. The provision the article sights allows businesses to carry losses back instead of forward. They would have been able to deduct the losses eventually, this is just a difference in timing. Honestly not that big of a deal. Shit, you must have read the article before commenting. That's not the way things are done here. Careful, you might be asked to leave. Buy it: ...

Top The King Of Rock N Roll 67 Years Of Elvis Thank You For Your Music Signatures Shirt

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    Why even bother reporting  the  Top The King Of Rock N Roll 67 Years Of Elvis Thank You For Your Music Signatures Shirt   on this not like any of you are going to do anything about it. It's just going to be a bunch of harsh words with zero actions to back them up. This likely won't even motivate non-voters to pull their heads out of their asses and vote. Nearly 43,000 millionaires across the country would soon profit off a loophole adapted from the Republican tax code overhaul of 2017, which allows certain business owners to significantly reduce their tax liability by temporarily suspending the limit of deductions they can place against non-business income. Remember when the GOP were crying about the Dems trying to stop people getting the money and help they needed, trying to rush this plan through un-checked? I take it no-one is shameless enough to pretend there wasn’t going to be a bs bailout clause for companies, or that they’re surprised Trump is on...

Top Gullahtsntings A Gullah Chris Mus Shirt

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  Loophole”. This is why this country is divided. Senate unanimously passed the   Top Gullahtsntings A Gullah Chris Mus Shirt  vote (4 Republicans didn’t vote). A republican (Massie) was pushing to have individual votes recorded in the House vote, but instead, they did a voice vote, which oddly seems to mean no one went on record voting for this. If Dems fought this and delayed the bill, Republicans would rip them for being obstructionists and delaying help to the public. The public would believe them. Republicans wouldn't back down because they don't give a fuck about the common people. Infuriating but time and time again the american populace is proven shiftless when presented with evidence of corruption. My point is, they were all in on it. Must we bicker about left and right? As a people we do not care enough to make sure things are right. Perhaps we aren’t collectively educated enough. Rather than delve into this proposal and debate it before it passed, we... wa...

Original Warning I May Spontaneously Talk About Trains Trainspotter Shirt

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  If this is what those dirty R's wanted all along, they wouldn't have changed the law in the  Original Warning I May Spontaneously Talk About Trains Trainspotter Shirt   first place. If this was something the Democrats were strongly opposed to, they wouldn't have let it pass. The reality is, the Republicans who passed the law in the first place don't want to deal with the unexpected immediate consequences for themselves, and the Democrats who support the relief package were happy to see that they could benefit as well. But the relief bill was huge and had a lot of riders did it not? You and I both know no party is getting exactly what they want unless they have a super majority, and this bill needed to pass, the Dems had already shot down one really gross bill with abortion riders. Also what is the point of doing a good change, like the one R's passed in 2017, if it's accompanied by a lot of really fucked up ones like making private jet costs deductible? Not to...

Original In 1999 Duel Of The Fates Spent 11 Days On Trl Shirt

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  Winston Churchill once said "Americans will always do the   Original In 1999 Duel Of The Fates Spent 11 Days On Trl Shirt   right thing after they have tried everything else" or something like that. Right now we are doing what we do best, and just throwing money at it hoping that something works. This Virus will keep getting hosts, and keep spreading indefinitely for years, if not decades unless we stop it. It could mutate and possibly become a instant death sentence if not stopped. We are shocked at what it has done in 4 months, imagine if it went on for years and immunity was only temporary like the flu? I know this seems like a epic shitshow right now, but it could easily get 1000x times worse. Stay safe, hide from this motherfucker, and hope someone smarter then us can figure out how to stop it. Because I would love to leave my house some day and not worry if my next hand shake or hug will be my last. Think about all the possible hosts that haven't gotten ...

Original Snoopy And Woodstock Happy Pills Shirt

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  I've been waiting for the   Original Snoopy And Woodstock Happy Pills Shirt   him to crack for some time now. I was expecting him rip off his wig, whip off his girdle, drop his circus tent trousers & start twerking the nation on the briefing room podium. But I think in fact, even though it's calmer than that, this may be it. Let him declare victory on Easter Sunday. Right–wing fundamentalists will enjoy that. Let some go back to what passes for normal. Then watch the infections & the death toll continue to rise & rise & rise. It will soon be undeniable to almost everyone. That undeniability is what we have needed since 2016. It will soon be here. Why aren’t reporters flat out calling bullshit during these briefings by now? I understand wanting to try to walk the line to keep your job, but there are a ton of lives on the line. Well that's a huge flaw in the US. We will solve this problem and probably have a cure, or at least a vaccine in the nex...

Funny Great Gnome Hug Heart Love 2021 Shirt

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  So I assume everyone else is the  Funny Great Gnome Hug Heart Love 2021 Shirt   absolutely outraged at trumps complete failure: 1) in acting like an a real leader for our nation in a time of turmoil 2) making this all about profit when hundreds are dead and thousands will likely follow and 3) his demonizing of reporters (who I normally hate but respect for their handling on this situation) who ask hard questions like how he can say they’re doing everything they can when they obviously aren’t We win” sounds very strange. Usually it’s either “we will win” or “we won”. “We win” is usually used in “ if we win” or “when we win”... so what it actually means is that we are not sure when or whether this thing can be over. Sneaky stuff...I see. Trumps is correct in saying "we win" you all just aren't apart of "we". "We" is all the politicians, senators, lobbiets and buisness men who are all intertwined and in cahoots who have just crashed the economy or sat b...

Premium I’m A Simple Man I Love Doobies And Boobies 22020 Shirt

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  It's sad that it took us failing at the    Premium I’m A Simple Man I Love Doobies And Boobies 22020 Shirt  biggest public health crisis of our lifetime to expose this fraud for the con artist he is, but I don't see Trump recovering from this mess. This time, people are going to die on account of Trump's lies I’ve checked the article twice with the video. Nowhere does he say “we win” except as in improper future tense. Can someone point me in the right direction. There’s videos of him saying “we WILL win” as in optimism. But can’t find any videos of him claiming we’ve won. At this point trump is a bigger threat to this country than the virus. It won't so bad they said in 2016. It won't be so bad in 2017 as the neo nazis started to rally. It won't be so bad in 2018 as he was licking up kids in jail. It won't be so bad in 2019 as we almost ho to war with Iran. It won't be so bad in 2020 has a global pandemic with no cure comes to the US and he buries his...

Nice Cat Mother Knit Lover Perfect Funny Cat And Knitting Lovers Gift Idea Frontline Warrior Nurse T-Shirt

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  Number of “flu like related pneumonia deaths rise to 25K” This  the  Nice Cat Mother Knit Lover Perfect Funny Cat And Knitting Lovers Gift Idea Frontline Warrior Nurse T-Shirt   month! “Who dies from the flu? I didn’t know people died from the flu!” Oh sorry... as the press we fact checked, um we h First he eliminated important services and personnel, ignoring expert advice. Then he downplayed the risk of coronavirus, for personal political gain. Then he belatedly asserted control, and turned it into a leverage campaign against states and the media. Then he backed a money grab in the Senate to create a slush fund for himself and his friends. Then, when he saw no one was buying any of this and he wasn't being praised, he decided "fuck it, I'll just stop trying". according to what I learned online, if these information are correct, worst is yet to come, like all disease, this virus take time to kill people, the people who died now are the once who got the diseas...

Top Gagatude What Is Gagatude You Ask Mess With My Grandchildren And You Will Find Out Shirt

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  Yeah, come back with the   Top Gagatude What Is Gagatude You Ask Mess With My Grandchildren And You Will Find Out Shirt  numbers in two weeks, where some states with crap governors have not enacted proper precautions, and instead listened to Twittler. and the GOP senators looking after themselves with pre-public advice stock sell-offs. The list of reasons why this is a horror movie coming to our screens is endless. Imagine a situation where reverse isolationism becomes the norm. People from USA are not welcomed/allowed to enter other countries. It's real and it's coming. Right now covidly.com projects US will pass 55k cases today. If Cuomo is right, and the apex is still 12 - 24 days out, and the number doubles every three days, then in 12 days there will be 16x (4 doublings in that period) more cases (880,000). In 24 days there will be over 14MM cases (8 doublings). With a 1-2% death rate these figures are terrifying Hope I'm wrong ... It gives me no pleasure to p...

Top In 1999 Duel Of The Fates Spent 11 Days On Trl Shirt Super Yaki Talking Bay 94 Trl History Shirt

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  Folks...It's happening. The  Top In 1999 Duel Of The Fates Spent 11 Days On Trl Shirt Super Yaki Talking Bay 94 Trl History Shirt  conservative media is already shifting towards ending social distances and having people return to work to save the economy. It won't matter how many more are infected or die. He's going to try to "Big Lie" the country through it, the way Hitler kept claiming that Germany was winning after D Day as the Americans and British and Soviets were closing in from every direction. Nobody bought it then, and nobody is going to buy it now. My guess on his strategy Yup. We win kind of like he won the popular vote. And the inauguration crowds. And the trade war with China. And the nuclear deal with Iran. And Congress in 2018. And like he is going to win in 2020. All Trump cares about is the stock market. He'd take several million deaths and a good economic bounce back over thousands and a slow economic recovery. Buy it:  Top In 1999 Duel Of ...

Nice Rebel With A Cause Shirt

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  Donald... Playing in fairlyland may impress the GOP and the   Nice  Rebel With A Cause Shirt  rest of your base. This virus however doesn't know and doesn't care how 'wonderful' you are. It will simply kill millions of your people. Cases are expected to climb over the next month or more. When my state is drafting retired and anyone with medical degrees to come work in hospitals like an army draft. Got a letter day mandating me to sign up on the state government website. This is a republican state...so if they are taking these measures this thing is no where near done The fuck is he even talking about re-opening the country? He wasn't the one that closed it, it's all be mayors and governors and business owners up to this point. Someone with his limited capacity of patience, tolerance, attention and intelligence would think that. And he also was someone who felt this was all a liberal lie. Remind me again how this guy is even remotely a qualified adult let alone...

Nice Its Pled Cafe Shop Shirt

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  These are supposed to be  the  Nice Its Pled Cafe Shop Shirt  our country's representatives? These people who are preaching on behalf of elders to sacrifice your granny to the coronavirus so that the economy survives? I'm 17, my life hasn't even started and I'm already exhausted. So even if the ventilator part was true, which I doubt it is, the dumbfuck that wouldn’t want to pay a bunch of doctors to sit around would pay to have a bunch of ventilators sit around? Fucking piece of shit. He is not saying "we" as in we Americans. He's saying "we" as in the capitalist assholes who put profit before people. The stock market rebounding must be what he means because it's clearly the only thing he cares about. Well besides anything with Obama's name on it. “The country is a big country and there are areas of the country ... that we need to know more about the entrants there,” he said.   Buy it:  Nice Its Pled Cafe Shop Shirt

Nice Skull Girl Your First Mistake Was Thinking I Was One Of The Sheep American Flag Shirt

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  Okay, until recently I haven’t been  the   Nice Skull Girl Your First Mistake Was Thinking I Was One Of The Sheep American Flag Shirt  afraid per se but very concerned. This makes me not only afraid but extremely angry. Firstly, I am Canadian and with our border so close this will affect us. More importantly though trump is about to kill thousands of people, maybe hundreds of thousands and possibly millions   How the fuck can he sleep at night? How could history possibly look at this well? My brother is a doctor in the UK. This is a spit in the face of every doctor considering what they have, and are about, to go through Ahh like W’s “mission accomplished” speech. We should be over coronavirus in 8 plus years or so.... that’s what he means folks! Let’s please listen to the stable genius who is calling out the the fake governors for fake not buying ventilators 4 years ago... the silver lining? we may end up with a very progressive country when the dust set...

Top Michael Cera And Mary Elizabeth I Think Shes The Girl Of My Dreams Shirt

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  I've never been so glad to live in a reasonable part of the  Top Michael Cera And Mary Elizabeth I Think Shes The Girl Of My Dreams Shirt   country and work for a university with its own experts. Trump is going to kill so many people. Local government has been performing admirably with zero federal support. Targeting Easter?? Jesus Christ, how many extended families are going to get together because of this artificial deadline? How many grandparents are going to die because of this? How many aunts? Uncles? Parents? How can you possibly be more short sighted than to say Easter is when we can get back to our usual behavior? Does he want to kill our elderly You know what? Fuck it. People who are ‘too tough’ for the ‘hoax’ can keep running around. I’ll be safe at home. I’m so tired of fighting airheads. Let them learn and play the blame game As a none-American living in NY i can only define this days as surreal. In one hand I have my girlfriend - doctor - telling me th...

Top Buffalo Bills Champions 2020 Won Not Done Shirt

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  Well, if Trump starts doing rallys again, that  the  Top Buffalo Bills Champions 2020 Won Not Done Shirt  means Trump's most ardent supporters will be going to them, breaking quarantine and getting each other sick. I'm having a difficult time seeing this as a bad thing. "Should his declaration of victory and plan to reopen at least part of the country pan out, he will be able to take Air Force One to campaign rallies in key swing states and say his hunches defeated a pandemic, making him uniquely suited for a second term. But should the outbreak become more widespread, as experts warn, his judgement will be severely damaged in a manner that could prove a death knell among the key voting blocs that are expected to decide the 2020 election." Great except this shouldn't be about Trump's election prospects it should be about our lives. Why do we keep giving him chance after chance after chance after chance? I'm beyond sick of it. I'm furious. Buy it:  To...

Top Pro I Never Dreamed To Be A Spoiled Wife Of A Grumpy Old Husband Shirt

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  This is a great point. Behavior Analysis has done some considerable research into value of reinforcer. The   Top Pro I Never Dreamed To Be A Spoiled Wife Of A Grumpy Old Husband Shirt  reward, or the potency of the reinforcement you get from an activity, is influenced by the frequency of consumption. Think of this in terms of satiation, how repeated engagement in a fun activity takes the fun out of it over time. This paper doesn't really dive into the mechanism of how reinforcer works, but it does provide an interesting result of the finer things at work. Truthfully sometimes the best ive felt in quite awhile is when i shower then lay down on my lovesac couch at the end of the day. Joint, food, and being off the next day i dont know many things that can top the feeling.   think a great example is fishing. All you need is a reel, rod, license, some know-how and some people to fish with... ou can spend money on the boat, on a charter, on guides, on equipment, on...

Good Nfc Beast Shirt

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  So reading brings the   Good Nfc Beast Shirt  same happiness as the richer person who can afford to go to a movie every night of the week, or goes on frequent holidays ? I’m only guessing. I've heard it as hedonic treadmill. Reminds me the relationship between money and happiness. It peaks, generally, at like 70 - 100k and then plateaus and offers diminishing returns. Obviously it's different depending on where you are. You can buy a house with that easy here. My gf in california would laugh at me if I suggested that. By frequency, the study means how often you're noticeably happy. Like, saying "It was a good day." So it's stating there's a negative relationship between people experiencing their own happiness and the amount of passive leisure. Hedonic adaptation is probably at play. I imagine that after a while passive leisure is just part of the routine - the same old stuff - and not significant. Or ma ybe it's literally that people aren't engag...

Good Great Ace Family Merch Royal Blue Circle Ace Family Shirt

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  Do I bring check-in luggage or do I get by  the  Good Great Ace Family Merch Royal Blue Circle Ace Family Shirt  with carry-on? Do I have containers that satisfy all the stupid "security" rules? Which train am I taking to the airport? When there, do I book a taxi or rental car? Whom do I call if the flight is delayed as it inevitably will? If anything, I think work travel now for frequent flyers is very convenient. my issue with travelling for work/vacation is that there's now a minimum set of expectations when I travel (Short security line, upgrade to premium economy at a minimum, decent selection at rental place). When those things don't happen, it becomes more of an annoyance than it should be. I think the thing is that happiness essentially plateaus. If we get used to things, we get the same base happiness from the same thing with less input. I drive a car to work partly because I hate not having my own departure schedule. Air travel has all these small annoyan...

Nice I Can Do All Things Through Christ Buffalo Bills Shirt

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  Yeah, the  Nice I Can Do All Things Through Christ Buffalo Bills Shirt   higher level gameplay is quite fun. AI could be a lot better, but it's generally pretty good. I started enjoying it more when I started combining more hacking into it. The hacking system isn't the best, but it's workable. Yeah I am building a middle of the road charactor and playing missions based on the story. Some you want to hack through silently and other you want to start blasting right away. I just need a little more money to unlock the Mantis Blades or something similar and I'm excited to see how that'll playout. I believe its basically meaning we're easier to please. Doing something we'd consider high-dollar would bring us significantly more joy than someone who does it regularly. Example: recently I got to quarantine in a hotel suite due to work travel. People who travel often wouldn't think twice, but I had an absolute blast. As someone who used to travel semi-regularly ...

Nice Tree England Flag Merry Christmas Shirt

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  Yeah you can't patch in driving AI, which is the  Nice Tree England Flag Merry Christmas Shirt   biggest disappointment for me, in addition to the lack of minigames. Like they are technically small details, but they give much needed substance to the world. Yeah, I've looked into that sub a couple of times. It's just that spoilers seem to be pretty free in posts, so I'm a bit scared of browsing it, at least for now. Ideally if this sub included actual discussions w Oh thank god im getting so sick of these rockstar circle jerkers who were expecting a sci-fi GTA i just wanna talk to other people about this game, because i have been having some of the most fun ive ever had in an rpg and this salt is starting to get so annoying Can't discuss the story or quests when you're literally stuck in the story without being able to progress because of bugs. I really enjoyed the game up until I couldn't progress because of a game breaking bug. ith the spoiler rules/mod-a...

Hot Yes I Am Old But I Saw Metallic On Stage Shirt

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  When the   Hot Yes I Am Old But I Saw Metallic On Stage Shirt  game starts getting patched, this subreddit stops being a cesspool of complaining about bugs (I'm not saying they shouldn't be pointed out, but fuck I miss having the option to discuss the story or quests with people, which is something I really feel this subreddit isn't for atm), and the GTA 6-wanting crowd get disinterested, you'll start seeing more people noticing this on the subreddit. My opinion of the game is basically identical to what you wrote in your comment, and I think there are a lot more people thinking the same. It's just being drowned under all the shitposts of people being pissed.   It's is so strange to actually hope for an characters text message in an imaginary world. That is to me how awesome the story part of the game has been made. bugs are one thing and something I expected. I've been laughing my ass off on the front page of this sub with all the hilarious bugs there are...